2025 PEBB Jazz Festival Information & Sign-up Link
2025 PEBB Jazz Festival Final Schedule
2025 PEBB Festival Sign-Up Link
A few time slots remain open on Saturday, March 1
School Jazz Groups – Friday, February 28 & Saturday, March 1, 2025
Chip McNeil – website https://music.illinois.edu/people/profiles/charles-chip-mcneill/
Derrick Gardner – website https://www.derrickgardnermusic.com/
Leslie Buekelman – Website https://lesliebeukelman.net/
The event will take place at The Venue in Aurora – https://www.themusicvenue.org/. The fee per group is $450 and includes your performance and clinic with our guest artists, student tickets to our masterclasses, and student tickets to both the Thursday evening Director’s Jazz Band Concert, featuring our guest vocal clinicians, and the Saturday evening finale concert, featuring the PEBB and our instrumental guest artists.
Each student group will have a total of 40-45 minutes on stage (performance & clinic). We suggest you perform 2 or 3 songs of different styles. Your group will then receive an interactive clinic from the three artists on stage. We also ask that your group stay and listen to a few other group’s performances, either before or after your own. There is a warm-up room and we will provide music stands, drums, bass amp, guitar amp, piano, vibes, and mics. Vocal Jazz groups will receive an additional 15 minutes of set-up and sound check time on stage with as many SM58 mics as needed.
Instrumental Jazz Directors, the Friday date is a county institute day, so you can make plans to bring your group and still get credit with your district for an educational experience that day. Times for instrumental groups will also be available in the morning and afternoon of both Friday and Saturday. If you are planning on attending the “Jazz in the Meadows” festival on Saturday, be sure to choose a Friday time so that your group can get some advance performance and clinic time ahead of that event.
Special thanks to our sponsors